Virtual Service
Follow our Booking Checklist to ensure a stress-free booking process
Looking to book one of our In-Person Services? Use our In-Person Booking Form instead
*Please allow 48 hours for us to check our schedule and confirm performer availability.
We will respond regardless!
If you've already filled out a booking form, please check your SPAM before reaching out again.
Looking for a character we don't yet offer? Let us know! If possible, we will do our best to create the character for you before your event date. If we are unable to fulfill your request, we will gladly give our recommendation to where you may find them elsewhere.
Before booking check out our services page to see our current rates and be sure to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. ​
It is the customer's responsibility to review all policies, terms & conditions​ when booking with us.
Check out our FAQ page for more information.
We cant wait to see you!
Best Wishes,
Your Fairytales & Friends Team